Researchers found symptoms of another Viral disease in China AKA Swine Flu.

While World is battling with one of the worst pandemics since the spread of Spanish Flu of 1918 another chain of disease is trying to strengthen its roots in China.
Researchers in China found a novel strain of influenza that is infecting pigs in China which is characterized as Swine Flu or H1N1, which was a root cause of the Pandemic in 2009.
A recent study was Published American institute that Labeled this new type of Swine Flu capable of initiating a pandemic. The report is presented by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS, that identifies a strain of flu — G4 EA H1N1 — that has traits akin to H1N1 and could be transmitted to humans.
The Scientists reportedly experimented with several samples gathered in a period of 7 years from 2011 to 2018, described the novel flu as having all the necessary attributes for a pandemic.
From 2011 to 2018, researchers took 30,000 nasal swabs from pigs in slaughterhouses in 10 Chinese provinces and in a veterinary hospital, allowing them to isolate 179 swine flu viruses. The majority were of a new kind which has been dominant among pigs since 2016.
According to researchers, the virus has been found to be highly infectious among humans and the human body has very less immunity against the threat posed. According to the blood test of workers on the farm 10.4 percent of swine, workers had been affected by the virus and 4.4 percent of general the population also infected by the virus while few of the infected one’s developed antibodies.
But it has not yet proven that the virus is contagious and can be transmitted from human to human.
The US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention defines it as the respiratory disease commonly found in pigs due to type A influenza which rapidly outbreaks in pigs.

While the world is still not able to counter the threat of COVID-19 which has infected more than 10 million people worldwide with more than 500,000 deaths with the highest cases in the US reaching 2.6 confirmed patients with 126360 deaths.

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