Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque

Hagia Sophia which is a famous historical Landmark in Istanbul historically known as Constantinople. The Hagia Sophia is an encyclopedia OF History within itself, while being a controversial topic it has been a part of debates throughout modern history because of its status as Greek Orthodox Christian The cathedral which was later converted to a Mosque after Ottomans under the command of Sultan Mehmed, the Conqueror laid a tactical siege to the ancient city of Constantinople was a dream of every commander to conquer but this was written to be accomplished by Sultan Mehmed. The conquest of Red Apple (Before 1453 the Red Apple was believed to be the globe held in the right hand of a giant statue of the Emperor Justinian in front of Haghia Sophia) led to the conversion of Haghia Sophia into a Mosque.

This started a new chapter of debate whether it was just to convert a cathedral into a mosque? Was it morally just? While the flag bearers of secularism considered it absolutely wrong to do such an act on the contrary all the conservative class strongly promoted this move among masses and religious clerics. But things do not remain the same way so the time came to the dynasty which founded the modern turkey, the ottomans were exiled from there own state by the newly formed government in Izmir by Kamal Ataturk who was previously a commander of Ottoman Royal Force converted the Holy Mosque of Hagia Sophia into a museum and the building secured its status till day.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the decision after a court annulled the site's museum status which is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The court in a historical decision called the move by the founding father of Turkey Kamal Ataturk’s move to convert the mosque into a museum as illegal.

Today turkey’s President officially signed the presidential declaration to restore the status of Hagia Sophia as Mosque and shared its screen shot on his twitter handle.
Shortly after the move, the first call to prayer was recited at the Hagia Sophia and was broadcast on all of Turkey's main news channels. The cultural site's social media channels have now been taken down.

World Reaction:
UNESCO strongly condemned this decision and stated that they are deeply Regretted by the move. The organization n stated this must have been discussed with them beforehand.

The head of the Eastern Orthodox Church has condemned the move, as has Greece - home to many millions of Orthodox followers.

Culture Minister Lina Mendoni said it was an "open provocation to the civilized world".
"The nationalism displayed by President Erdogan... takes his country back six centuries," she said in a statement.
The court ruling "absolutely confirms that there is no independent justice" in Turkey, she added.

While Court stated “The cabinet decision in 1934 that ended its use as a mosque and defined it as a museum did not comply with laws," it said.

While the move is popular with conservative religious supporters of President Erdogan, Turkey's most famous author, Orhan Pamuk said the decision would take away the "pride" some Turks had in being a secular Muslim nation.

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