Frontline Health Workers at Risk! 58 Lost Lives to COVID-19

Frontline Health Workers at Risk! 58 Lost Lives to COVID-19

Health infrastructure in the whole world, as well as Pakistan, is mobilized after the outbreak of COVID-19. We have seen in recent past how health department in Italy and other European countries were overburdened due to the incremental increase in the number of COVID-19 patients.
Pandemic has brought the Frontline Health workers to a point where they put their life on risk to save those effected of a pandemic like A soldier who defends his state on its border. The world has seen doctors and health workers selflessly worked to cure patients but in this fight against COVID-19 many health workers lost their life.

So fighting against Pandemic as many as 58 healthcare Workers died due to virus including 42 doctors till now according to Government Officials.
“We have so far lost the lives of 58 healthcare providers to COVID-19 in the country and still counting. They are 42 doctors, 13 paramedics and other support staff, two nurses and one medical student. At the moment, 240 healthcare providers are hospitalized, of whom 231 are in a stable condition, while nine are on life support,” an official of the National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (NHSR&C). “Source The News”.

According to sources health infrastructure of Sindh was worst hit by the pandemic and most of the healthcare officials affected by the virus are from Sindh. Sindh lost 22 of their health care workers followed by KPK with 11 deaths, 10 in Punjab while 7 reported deaths in Baluchistan so far. State capital Lost 5 health officials, 3 in Gilgit-Baltistan while no reported death from Azad Kashmir.
The tally of patients from health department reached 5,367 till June 30, according to an official. It is almost 3 per cent of the total reported cases of COVID-19 in Pakistan. 52% of these healthcare workers have recovered from deadly disease totalling at 2798 while remaining 2569 or 48% are under treatment or self-isolation.

KPK is the worst affected with respect to infected health providers where 1809 officials inclusive of 856 doctors, 282 nurses and 671 other support staff. Fortunately, only 14 are hospitalized while only 11 have died so far.

In Sindh, 1034 doctors, 242 paramedics and 121 nurses are diagnosed with coronavirus totalling at 1397 healthcare providers. 59 healthcare officials are hospitalized, of whom 3 are on life support while 22 lost their life.

In Punjab 1100 health care providers are infected by the virus while 10 lost their lives and 118 were still hospitalized and in Baluchistan 422 healthcare providers have tested positive for COVID-19 with 7 deaths and 4 on life support.

The Capital of the state, Islamabad lost 5 of its health care workers with 3 being hospitalized while total personal counting at 451.

Approximately 105 healthcare providers in Gilgit-Baltistan with 3 reported deaths and six are currently hospitalized. In Azad Kashmir, 83 reported cases with no loss of life till now.

“Doctors are the most affected segment of healthcare providers as 61 per cent or 3,275 of them have so far contracted the viral infection, followed by 1,453 paramedics, which are 27 per cent of the total healthcare providers infected with the lethal virus. Around 639 nurses are also among them, which is 12 per cent of the total cases,” the health ministry official said.

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